ZUGSPITZE Masterclasses
MATTERHORN Masterclasses
MONT BLANC Masterclasses
A short welcome by the event organizer.
Mark van den Brink Procurement & Sustainability Summit
Joel Haag Procurement & Sustainability Summit
Steffi Landerer Procurement Summit
Mandated, focused, efficient: How the transformation of DB Procurement is supporting the mobility transition
CPO Jan Grothe reports on how he and his team are further developing the procurement function in a challenging environment and making it more strategically effective. Join us on DB Procurement's transformation journey and gain an overview of key levers for process optimization and organizational development!
Steffi Landerer Procurement Summit
10:30Panel discussion
The CPO as a shaper of the future
Chief Procurement Officer – the role is currently changing faster than ever. New means, such as digital transformation, but also new challenges, such as global delivery bottlenecks or CO2 neutrality, require additional skills and an expanded repertoire. What is the best positioning of the CPOs of the future? What characteristics and leadership skills are particularly required for this role?
Mattea Herzberg tesa
Dr. Frederic Folwaczny ALTANA
Dr. Axel Wietfeld Uniper
Sascha Kwiatkowski Apleona
Oliver Bischof Siemens Gamesa
Yurda Burghardt Negotiation Advisory Group
12:00 Masterclass H&Z Unternehmensberatung
Inken März Procurement & Sustainability Summit
Panel discussion
11:00 AI and sustainability: the path to a smarter and greener future
Artificial intelligence (AI) offers enormous potential to drive sustainable solutions. This panel explores how AI is being used to tackle environmental challenges and promote sustainable innovation. Experts from the tech industry, sustainability research and environmental organizations will discuss concrete applications, risks and ethical issues. Can smart technologies really contribute to a more sustainable world, and what role do data-driven decisions play in this?
Kirsten Behnke-Schoos FinActe
Panel discussion
11:45 Sustainable consumption: utopia or realistic future?
The vision of a sustainable consumer society. What steps are necessary to move from today's consumer culture to a more sustainable way of life?
Frau Evelyn Rath Evelyn Rath
13:30Panel discussion
Sustainable procurement: Into the future together with a smile
The demands on procurement managers have increased massively in recent years, but so have the opportunities. Purchasing has never been in a better position to prove its value to a company than it is today. Mastering the challenges requires teamwork, both with internal and external stakeholders. Only with collaborative approaches can the right course be set together and economic, social and ecological improvements realised in the supply chains.
Procurement Summit Startup Awards, part 1
Here you’ll see innovative start-ups in the procurement field presenting their solutions. Be inspired and vote!
Steffi Landerer Procurement Summit
15:45Panel discussion
Head to head: direct and indirect procurement competing for efficiency and value
In our panel "Head to Head": Direct and Indirect Procurement Competing for Efficiency and Value’, we will discuss in detail how direct and indirect procurement face each other and compete for efficiency and value. We will highlight the different strategies, challenges and potentials of these two types of procurement and offer insights into their impact on organisations.
Procurement Summit Startup Awards, part 2
Here you’ll see innovative start-ups in the procurement field presenting their solutions. Be inspired and vote!
Steffi Landerer Procurement Summit
17:15Panel discussion
AI meets human touch: how automation is redefining procurement
Here we discuss how the integration of modern technologies such as IoT, AI and big data is changing the purchasing process and what role human expertise plays in this. Will automation and AI make procurement more efficient or jeopardise human jobs?
Elena Brauns Stromnetz Berlin
Jessica Morris Alstom
Simon Kreidel Würth
Alexander Pingert Lufthansa
Boris Brauner SIGNAL IDUNA
Dr. Ulrich Piepel Consultant & Business Angel
Procurement Summit Awards Ceremony
Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.
Steffi Landerer Procurement Summit
17:15 Zugspitze Speaker Awards Ceremony
Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.
Linda Drescher Procurement Summit
15:00 Masterclass Fullstep
Inken März Procurement & Sustainability Summit
15:30 Masterclass Integrity Next
Inken März Procurement & Sustainability Summit
17:30 Matterhorn Speaker Awards Ceremony
Vote in our app for the most inspiring, charismatic or innovative speakers. The top three speakers at the Matterhorn receive a Speaker Award.
Inken März Procurement & Sustainability Summit
Panel discussion
15:15 Green Leadership: How sustainability departments attract the best Gen-Z talent for business transformation
Gen-Z is known for its value orientation and strong commitment to sustainability. This panel explores how companies can attract and retain the best talent from this generation through strong sustainability strategies and departments. Experts from human resources, sustainability management and young Gen-Z professionals share their perspectives and strategies. What expectations does Gen-Z have of their employers, and how can companies meet them to secure the future generation of leaders?
Ines Koste EY
Victoria Knauer Hansen GreenSign
Valerie Hutterer AXA Climate
Maria Patschke FinActe
Hoang Nguyen alcemy
Farah Alice Rosenau Jebsen & Jessen
Panel discussion
16:45 Transparency and disclosure: How companies can ensure transparent and responsible reporting
Leading companies are discussing different approaches to promoting transparency and disclosure, including the use of standards and reporting guidelines.
Farah Alice Rosenau Jebsen & Jessen
Alexandra Quint GBI Group
Dilara Can Bosch Climate Solutions
Carolin Rautenberg Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Ines Koste EY
18:15 Procurement Summit Awards Ceremony
Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.
Zackes Brustik Sustainability Summit Moderation