25th & 26th June 2025 in Hamburg

Procurement Summit Agenda Day One

Procurement Summit Agenda Day One

The program of the first day of the Procurement Summit on 12th June 2024.

Procurement Summit Agenda Day Two

Procurement Summit Agenda Day Two

The program of the second day of the Procurement Summit on 13th June 2024.

12th June 2024 Procurement Summit Agenda Day One

  1. ZUGSPITZE Masterclasses
  1. MATTERHORN Masterclasses
  1. 08:15

    08:15 Welcome

    Our doors open at 08:15 - so you can start networking at the first coffee and secure the best seat.

  1. 09:15
  2. 09:30

    ESG - the triple win (if you let it)

    Why is Procurement so well positioned to drive social impact and what are the benefits for buyers, suppliers and society? This session puts the focus on the social part and answers the questions how to identify social enterprises and how to pitch it internally.

  3. 10:00

    Coffee break

    Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.
  4. 10:15
    Panel discussion

    CPO 2030 – how is the role changing?

    Chief Procurement Officer – the role is currently changing faster than ever. New means, such as digital transformation, but also new challenges, such as global delivery bottlenecks or CO2 neutrality, require additional skills and an expanded repertoire. What is the best positioning of the CPOs of the future? What characteristics and leadership skills are particularly required for this role?

  5. 11:00

    Supply chain transformation with the buy-hold-sell model

  6. 11:30
    Panel discussion

    Procurement Transformation

    What needs to happen today so that we are prepared for tomorrow? Digital tools, services and technologies should make procurement more efficient and bring it to the next level. The harmonisation of processes must also be considered. This expert panel brings together the many factors influencing developments and provides insights into how they are making their companies fit for the future.
  1. Presentation

    09:45 Transform your Procurement from Reactive to Proactive with SRM

    The last few years have shown that procurement teams need a strong toolbox to take advantage of opportunities and meet today's challenges. Kodiak Hub enables companies to turn important screws in the supply chain efficiently and sustainably by using a modular Supplier Relationship Management solution (SRM).

    We show you how you can use an SRM system to proactively meet all new and old challenges and will be answering the questions:

    How can you turn supplier information into insights and action with automated data collection and assessment?

    How can I identify and address strategic work and supplier risks early on?

  2. Presentation

    10:00 Revolution in Procurement: SAP Ariba Category Management and AI in Practice

    Discover the future of procurement management with SAP Ariba Category Management and Artificial Intelligence. Using the example of the SAP procurement organization, learn how innovative technologies increase efficiency, reduce costs, and revolutionize decision-making in procurement. Dive into a practical example and the latest developments that demonstrate how companies achieve competitive advantages and ensure sustainable success by integrating AI into SAP systems.


    10:30 Coffee break

    Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.
  4. Presentation

    11:00 The content-based procurement platform Process optimisation | digitalisation | implementation ...everything from a single source, use our experience for your success

    Is your purchasing department already eProcurement-ready? No? That doesn't matter! 
    With us, you can dive straight into the digital world of procurement with or without preparation. 
    Use preconfigured software and our expertise to implement your new eProcurement platform with optimised and automated processes.  There is no quicker way to digitalise your purchasing and procurement processes. 
    Benefit from pre-negotiated product groups with catalogues that you can integrate plug-and-play and also procure your long-tail spend efficiently. 

    Andree Siever and Klaas Henning from Metroplan will guide you through this practical presentation with examples from public procurement and other best practices from many successful projects.

  5. Presentation

    11:30 AI as the key to future-proof supply chains: Combining compliance, risk management and transparency

    In today's fast-paced and complex business environment, supply chains face numerous challenges, including regulatory compliance, risk management, and ensuring transparency. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool that can help organizations address these challenges and future-proof their supply chains. We look forward to exploring the role of AI in compliance, risk management, and transparency, as well as sharing best practices and real-world examples.

  6. Presentation

    12:00 Procurement meets innovation - how to shape your future

    Which technologies have already changed procurement and, more specifically, how will it continue to change in the future? What does this mean for you as a buyer? How can artificial intelligence, virtual reality and automation help you to master future challenges? Join us when Lina Schütze and Marvin Höbel talk about these transformations, look at the changes with practical examples and present innovative solutions.

  1. Presentation

    10:00 Enhance YOUR processes!

    Potential and cost-efficient processes in operational purchasing

    - Cost-pusher system breaks
    - Purchasing 4.0 and e-tool integration
    - How RPA, AI and automation simplify the procurement process


    10:30 Coffee break

    Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.
  3. Presentation

    11:00 From additional costs to savings & added value: IT purchasing rethought

    - Permanent savings instead of hidden additional costs
    - Say goodbye to Maverick Spend
    - Global IT purchasing with local delivery on 6 continents
    - Digital and efficient instead of manual and slow

  4. Presentation

    11:30 Not all AI is the same – mistakes to be avoided

    Take a look behind the scenes of AI together with our renowned digitalisation experts. We'll show you what it takes to make your AI projects a success. Plan your AI carefully to simplify procurement - not on PowerPoint, but in reality, in your digital system environment.

  5. Presentation

    11:45 Promoting sustainability and security in supply chains

    The power of cross-industry collaboration and technology.

  6. Presentation

    12:00 AI managers vs. humans - who will be the buyers of the future?

    Will there only be AI buyers in the future? What does the virtual buyer look like today? And what role will the human buyer play?

    Together with purchasing experts from Burda Procurement GmbH, the award-winning startup askLio is presenting the Masterclass. Developed by experts from the Silicon Valley and the Technical University of Munich.

  1. 12:15

    12:15 Lunch break

    Enjoy the food while making new contacts with visitors and exhibitors at the Procurement Summit.

  1. 13:30

    Procurement Summit Startup Awards, part 1

    Here you’ll see innovative start-ups in the procurement field presenting their solutions. Be inspired and vote!

  2. 14:15

    Procurement Champions League: Different Fields, One Ultimate Play

    Cross-Industry Navigation through Procurement Transformation Innovations, Challenges and Successes. The disruptive journey of the paper-shuffling, excel-crunching call center agent to strategic partner, digital native and #1 value creator. New roles in an ongoing culture shift to agile, responsive and future-proof procurement. Summary: A synthesis of insights, best practices and a possible future of Procurement Transformation.

  3. 14:45
    Panel discussion

    Future stars of Procurement

    Hire new employees or strengthen existing staff? More and more companies are investing in the development of young leaders and this is proving successful. Two teams, consisting of mentor and mentee, provide insights into their programmes and experiences.

  4. 15:45

    Coffee break

    Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.
  5. 16:15

    Procurement Summit Startup Awards, part 2

    Here you’ll see innovative start-ups in the procurement field presenting their solutions. Be inspired and vote!

  6. 17:00
    Panel discussion

    People & Culture in Procurement

    As part of compressed collegial case consultations, we make exciting (solution) approaches and a collaboration format on the topic of People & Culture in Procurement tangible.

    What makes a good team and how do we demand and promote a lasting learning culture?
    How do we increase visibility and our image in times of skilled labor shortages?
    How do we position purchasing as a driver of sustainability, digitalization and innovation?
    And how does personnel development work in these future skills?

  7. 18:00

    Procurement Summit Awards Ceremony

    Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.

  1. Presentation

    13:45 Efficiency redefined - Generative AI in procurement

    Key Talking Points:
    - What does Generative AI mean and how does it differ from traditional AI?
    - Opportunities of Generative AI for procurement
    - How Zycus customers are already benefiting from Generative AI today

  2. Presentation

    14:00 Procurement in the age of AI: an introduction to strategies, use cases and AI implementations in practice

    Learn more about the current state of AI in procurement and what opportunities lie ahead in the world of S2C and P2P. We will show you how AI can help users to utilise features such as autonomous sourcing and contracting, gain advanced insights and reduce manual work.

  3. Presentation

    14:30 Effective Procurement in Your External Workforce: The Benefits of Managed Service Providing.

    Germany is an MSP developing country in international comparison!
    What is Managed Service Providing (MSP)?
    Why do you need an MSP company and how can a VMS system help you?
    How do you solve your compliance risks with your freelancers?
    What role does CSRD play in your external workforce?

  4. Presentation

    14:45 The Power of dynamic teamwork Kärcher’s implementation journey to SAP Business Network Supply Chain Collaboration, successfully supported by apsolut

    A software safari! Kärcher takes you on a journey of successful collaboration with apsolut, showcasing how customer and partner can conquer an SAP Business Network SCC implementation. We go beyond the usual – dive deep into the challenges we have overcome and the secrets to a smooth, on-time and on budget launch.

  5. Presentation

    15:15 Fire and Flame: The Art of High-Stakes Negotiations – 7 Mistakes in Managing High-Stake Negotiations with Board Involvement

    Dive into the captivating world of high-risk negotiations where every detail can make or break success. This riveting talk uncovers the seven fatal mistakes commonly made by executives and boards in top-level negotiations.

    Learn how to stand out from the crowd by mastering the pitfalls of inadequate preparation, lack of flexibility, and the danger of authoritarian negotiation strategies. Take advantage of this dynamic forum to sharpen your negotiation skills.


    15:45 Coffee break

    Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.

  7. Presentation

    16:00 AI Self-Service Sourcing - How requesters can independently source while procurement retains control

    Learn how AI-driven solutions can assist procurement teams in reducing operational effort while enhancing efficiency from demand description to automating workflows. Discover how requesters can independently manage sourcing while procurement retains control. Explore the functionalities of mysupply’s AI Sourcing Assistant for Self-Service Sourcing, simplifying sourcing intake, managing workflows, and automating negotiations. Gain practical insights how to optimize your sourcing processes efficiently in our upcoming masterclass.

  8. Presentation

    16:15 CSDDD, CSRD, CBAM & Co: effectively managing sustainability and compliance in the supply chain

    In this masterclass, you will learn how the IntegrityNext platform can effectively guide you through the regulatory challenges of the supply chain. Discover how our automated ESG risk assessment solutions enable you to meet due diligence and sustainability objectives in an efficient and resource-saving manner.

    Ideal for procurement and sustainability professionals, this session will provide practical insights on how to identify and mitigate ESG risks and improve the sustainability performance of your supply chain.

  9. Presentation

    16:30 MI – Success Factor: Human Intelligence

    Adequate strategies to deploy human capital in the most effective manner! Recruitment, Training and Coaching are what everybody talks about when we focus on optimizing procurement effectiveness. But does anybody really know how to use them to ensure best results? It is proven that employees only tap into a fraction of their existing potential in their jobs. What if all procurement employees could bring their total potential to the max? And how would that work? We will bring light to these questions in this entertaining master class with wow-effect!

  10. Presentation

    17:00 From invisible to indispensable: nobody calls me a chicken

    Procurement 2024: Still invisible and strategically underrepresented in the company and on social media. This must change! To position procurement strategically, we need to be able to do more than just purchase. Discover innovative approaches to transform procurement into an indispensable key function with the help of social media.


    17:30 Zugspitze Speaker Awards Ceremony

    Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.

  1. Presentation

    13:15 Decarbonization & Cost Reduction: Time to Define a Win-Win Strategy for Procurement

    Reducing material costs is a core responsibility of procurement, and in many industries, the cost pressure is currently particularly high. With the EU's goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2050 through the 'Green Deal,' procurement will need to manage an additional dimension of costs in the future. The impending carbon pricing will introduce new cost factors, which will be gradually implemented by 2035. Procurement organizations must start preparing for these changes today and incorporate them into their cost optimization strategies.

    Learn how procurement can prepare for this transition step by step and why decarbonization can be both environmentally friendly and cost-saving.

  2. Presentation

    13:45 Calculate your Scope 3.1 emissions with Onventis Spend Analytics

    Calculate your Scope 3.1 Emissions with Onventis Spend Analytics

    - Integrated emissions calculations: Unleash the power of your spend data on purchased goods and services to accurately measure, effectively report, and reduce carbon emissions
    - Emission Hotspot Identification: Analyze carbon emission hotspots by categories, suppliers, or subsidiaries to uncover primary carbon contributors
    - Transparent and Flexible Methods: Automate calculations or manually modify carbon mappings for tailored insights.
    - Reliable Insights and Reporting: Gain access to certified emission factors, ensuring accredited data and methodology in line with GHG Protocol standards

  3. Panel discussion

    14:15 Resilience in Procurement: Full Power for Risk Management

    Data-driven risk management is crucial for companies to proactively identify potential risks and take well-founded mitigation measures. At the same time, integrating risk management into procurement processes is essential to strengthen supply chain resilience in a rapidly changing world. Learn more about data driven supplier risk management and seamless integration with Ivalua for maximum resilience in our panel discussion.

  4. Presentation

    14:45 From silos to synergies: sector initiatives as the key to sustainable supply chains - the example of Wind Europe with Siemens Gamesa

    In this masterclass, EcoVadis and Siemens Gamesa will demonstrate how German and multinternational companies are tackling the challenges of isolated sustainability strategies through innovative sector initiatives. The session will focus on developing sustainable procurement strategies that not only comply with the latest regulatory requirements but also foster cross-industry synergies. Gain insights into successful strategies through the example of the Wind Industry with Siemens Gamesa and understand how your company can become part of this movement.


    15:15 Coffee break

    Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.

  6. Presentation

    15:30 Resilient supply chains: Proactively managing cost pressure

    In a volatile global economy, it's important to plan ahead. We explain how forward-looking risk management and stable supply chain structures can help you reduce costs in the long term - and how technology and data analyses can help you identify risks and be prepared for market changes.

  7. Presentation

    16:00 From must-have to plus - resilient and transparent supply chains in line with EUDR, LkSG/CSDDD & Co

    In a time of increasing regulatory requirements and societal expectations, companies face the challenge of making their supply chains not only transparent and compliant, but also resilient. This presentation will highlight how companies can use a modern ESG platform such as the osapiens HUB to ensure compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), the EU CSDDD, CBAM and other regulations. We show how automated risk management and comprehensive compliance can be used not only as an obligation but also as a strategic advantage. Learn how to develop your supply chains from a ‘must’ to a ‘plus’ and thus ensure sustainable success.

  8. Presentation

    16:30 AP Automation - Maximise savings through automated invoice management

    AP Automation is about the digitalisation and automation of manual tasks in Accounts Payable, whereby incoming invoices are processed digitally and automatically. In our workshop, together with a German best-practice user, we present the possibilities of a state-of-the-art AP Automation application and discuss best practices in the project, show quick implementation options and analyse the return on investment (ROI).

    - The need for highly automated invoice management
    - User experience report
    - ROI analysis

  9. Presentation

    17:00 Negotiation and behavior

    What is important in practice and which (feedback) models can I use to better adapt and prepare my negotiation to the partner?

    17:30 Matterhorn Speaker Awards Ceremony

    Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.

  1. 18:25

    18:25 Procurement Summit AFTERSHOW LOUNGE

    Drinks and networking for all participants 

  1. 23:30

    23:30 End of today's event

12th June 2024 Procurement Summit Agenda Day One



Our doors open at 08:15 - so you can start networking at the first coffee and secure the best seat.



A short welcome by the event organizer.


ESG - the triple win (if you let it)

Why is Procurement so well positioned to drive social impact and what are the benefits for buyers, suppliers and society? This session puts the focus on the social part and answers the questions how to identify social enterprises and how to pitch it internally.


Transform your Procurement from Reactive to Proactive with SRM

The last few years have shown that procurement teams need a strong toolbox to take advantage of opportunities and meet today's challenges. Kodiak Hub enables companies to turn important screws in the supply chain efficiently and sustainably by using a modular Supplier Relationship Management solution (SRM).

We show you how you can use an SRM system to proactively meet all new and old challenges and will be answering the questions:

How can you turn supplier information into insights and action with automated data collection and assessment?

How can I identify and address strategic work and supplier risks early on?


Coffee break

Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.

Revolution in Procurement: SAP Ariba Category Management and AI in Practice

Discover the future of procurement management with SAP Ariba Category Management and Artificial Intelligence. Using the example of the SAP procurement organization, learn how innovative technologies increase efficiency, reduce costs, and revolutionize decision-making in procurement. Dive into a practical example and the latest developments that demonstrate how companies achieve competitive advantages and ensure sustainable success by integrating AI into SAP systems.


Enhance YOUR processes!

Potential and cost-efficient processes in operational purchasing

- Cost-pusher system breaks
- Purchasing 4.0 and e-tool integration
- How RPA, AI and automation simplify the procurement process

Panel discussion

CPO 2030 – how is the role changing?

Chief Procurement Officer – the role is currently changing faster than ever. New means, such as digital transformation, but also new challenges, such as global delivery bottlenecks or CO2 neutrality, require additional skills and an expanded repertoire. What is the best positioning of the CPOs of the future? What characteristics and leadership skills are particularly required for this role?


Coffee break

Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.

Coffee break

Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.

Supply chain transformation with the buy-hold-sell model


The content-based procurement platform Process optimisation | digitalisation | implementation ...everything from a single source, use our experience for your success

Is your purchasing department already eProcurement-ready? No? That doesn't matter! 
With us, you can dive straight into the digital world of procurement with or without preparation. 
Use preconfigured software and our expertise to implement your new eProcurement platform with optimised and automated processes.  There is no quicker way to digitalise your purchasing and procurement processes. 
Benefit from pre-negotiated product groups with catalogues that you can integrate plug-and-play and also procure your long-tail spend efficiently. 

Andree Siever and Klaas Henning from Metroplan will guide you through this practical presentation with examples from public procurement and other best practices from many successful projects.


From additional costs to savings & added value: IT purchasing rethought

- Permanent savings instead of hidden additional costs
- Say goodbye to Maverick Spend
- Global IT purchasing with local delivery on 6 continents
- Digital and efficient instead of manual and slow

Panel discussion

Procurement Transformation

What needs to happen today so that we are prepared for tomorrow? Digital tools, services and technologies should make procurement more efficient and bring it to the next level. The harmonisation of processes must also be considered. This expert panel brings together the many factors influencing developments and provides insights into how they are making their companies fit for the future.

AI as the key to future-proof supply chains: Combining compliance, risk management and transparency

In today's fast-paced and complex business environment, supply chains face numerous challenges, including regulatory compliance, risk management, and ensuring transparency. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool that can help organizations address these challenges and future-proof their supply chains. We look forward to exploring the role of AI in compliance, risk management, and transparency, as well as sharing best practices and real-world examples.


Not all AI is the same – mistakes to be avoided

Take a look behind the scenes of AI together with our renowned digitalisation experts. We'll show you what it takes to make your AI projects a success. Plan your AI carefully to simplify procurement - not on PowerPoint, but in reality, in your digital system environment.


Promoting sustainability and security in supply chains

The power of cross-industry collaboration and technology.


Procurement meets innovation - how to shape your future

Which technologies have already changed procurement and, more specifically, how will it continue to change in the future? What does this mean for you as a buyer? How can artificial intelligence, virtual reality and automation help you to master future challenges? Join us when Lina Schütze and Marvin Höbel talk about these transformations, look at the changes with practical examples and present innovative solutions.


AI managers vs. humans - who will be the buyers of the future?

Will there only be AI buyers in the future? What does the virtual buyer look like today? And what role will the human buyer play?

Together with purchasing experts from Burda Procurement GmbH, the award-winning startup askLio is presenting the Masterclass. Developed by experts from the Silicon Valley and the Technical University of Munich.


Lunch break

Enjoy the food while making new contacts with visitors and exhibitors at the Procurement Summit.


Decarbonization & Cost Reduction: Time to Define a Win-Win Strategy for Procurement

Reducing material costs is a core responsibility of procurement, and in many industries, the cost pressure is currently particularly high. With the EU's goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2050 through the 'Green Deal,' procurement will need to manage an additional dimension of costs in the future. The impending carbon pricing will introduce new cost factors, which will be gradually implemented by 2035. Procurement organizations must start preparing for these changes today and incorporate them into their cost optimization strategies.

Learn how procurement can prepare for this transition step by step and why decarbonization can be both environmentally friendly and cost-saving.


Procurement Summit Startup Awards, part 1

Here you’ll see innovative start-ups in the procurement field presenting their solutions. Be inspired and vote!


Efficiency redefined - Generative AI in procurement

Key Talking Points:
- What does Generative AI mean and how does it differ from traditional AI?
- Opportunities of Generative AI for procurement
- How Zycus customers are already benefiting from Generative AI today


Calculate your Scope 3.1 emissions with Onventis Spend Analytics

Calculate your Scope 3.1 Emissions with Onventis Spend Analytics

- Integrated emissions calculations: Unleash the power of your spend data on purchased goods and services to accurately measure, effectively report, and reduce carbon emissions
- Emission Hotspot Identification: Analyze carbon emission hotspots by categories, suppliers, or subsidiaries to uncover primary carbon contributors
- Transparent and Flexible Methods: Automate calculations or manually modify carbon mappings for tailored insights.
- Reliable Insights and Reporting: Gain access to certified emission factors, ensuring accredited data and methodology in line with GHG Protocol standards


Procurement in the age of AI: an introduction to strategies, use cases and AI implementations in practice

Learn more about the current state of AI in procurement and what opportunities lie ahead in the world of S2C and P2P. We will show you how AI can help users to utilise features such as autonomous sourcing and contracting, gain advanced insights and reduce manual work.


Procurement Champions League: Different Fields, One Ultimate Play

Cross-Industry Navigation through Procurement Transformation Innovations, Challenges and Successes. The disruptive journey of the paper-shuffling, excel-crunching call center agent to strategic partner, digital native and #1 value creator. New roles in an ongoing culture shift to agile, responsive and future-proof procurement. Summary: A synthesis of insights, best practices and a possible future of Procurement Transformation.

Panel discussion

Resilience in Procurement: Full Power for Risk Management

Data-driven risk management is crucial for companies to proactively identify potential risks and take well-founded mitigation measures. At the same time, integrating risk management into procurement processes is essential to strengthen supply chain resilience in a rapidly changing world. Learn more about data driven supplier risk management and seamless integration with Ivalua for maximum resilience in our panel discussion.


Effective Procurement in Your External Workforce: The Benefits of Managed Service Providing.

Germany is an MSP developing country in international comparison!
What is Managed Service Providing (MSP)?
Why do you need an MSP company and how can a VMS system help you?
How do you solve your compliance risks with your freelancers?
What role does CSRD play in your external workforce?

Panel discussion

Future stars of Procurement

Hire new employees or strengthen existing staff? More and more companies are investing in the development of young leaders and this is proving successful. Two teams, consisting of mentor and mentee, provide insights into their programmes and experiences.


The Power of dynamic teamwork Kärcher’s implementation journey to SAP Business Network Supply Chain Collaboration, successfully supported by apsolut

A software safari! Kärcher takes you on a journey of successful collaboration with apsolut, showcasing how customer and partner can conquer an SAP Business Network SCC implementation. We go beyond the usual – dive deep into the challenges we have overcome and the secrets to a smooth, on-time and on budget launch.


From silos to synergies: sector initiatives as the key to sustainable supply chains - the example of Wind Europe with Siemens Gamesa

In this masterclass, EcoVadis and Siemens Gamesa will demonstrate how German and multinternational companies are tackling the challenges of isolated sustainability strategies through innovative sector initiatives. The session will focus on developing sustainable procurement strategies that not only comply with the latest regulatory requirements but also foster cross-industry synergies. Gain insights into successful strategies through the example of the Wind Industry with Siemens Gamesa and understand how your company can become part of this movement.


Fire and Flame: The Art of High-Stakes Negotiations – 7 Mistakes in Managing High-Stake Negotiations with Board Involvement

Dive into the captivating world of high-risk negotiations where every detail can make or break success. This riveting talk uncovers the seven fatal mistakes commonly made by executives and boards in top-level negotiations.

Learn how to stand out from the crowd by mastering the pitfalls of inadequate preparation, lack of flexibility, and the danger of authoritarian negotiation strategies. Take advantage of this dynamic forum to sharpen your negotiation skills.


Coffee break

Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.


Resilient supply chains: Proactively managing cost pressure

In a volatile global economy, it's important to plan ahead. We explain how forward-looking risk management and stable supply chain structures can help you reduce costs in the long term - and how technology and data analyses can help you identify risks and be prepared for market changes.


Coffee break

Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.

Coffee break

Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.


AI Self-Service Sourcing - How requesters can independently source while procurement retains control

Learn how AI-driven solutions can assist procurement teams in reducing operational effort while enhancing efficiency from demand description to automating workflows. Discover how requesters can independently manage sourcing while procurement retains control. Explore the functionalities of mysupply’s AI Sourcing Assistant for Self-Service Sourcing, simplifying sourcing intake, managing workflows, and automating negotiations. Gain practical insights how to optimize your sourcing processes efficiently in our upcoming masterclass.


From must-have to plus - resilient and transparent supply chains in line with EUDR, LkSG/CSDDD & Co

In a time of increasing regulatory requirements and societal expectations, companies face the challenge of making their supply chains not only transparent and compliant, but also resilient. This presentation will highlight how companies can use a modern ESG platform such as the osapiens HUB to ensure compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), the EU CSDDD, CBAM and other regulations. We show how automated risk management and comprehensive compliance can be used not only as an obligation but also as a strategic advantage. Learn how to develop your supply chains from a ‘must’ to a ‘plus’ and thus ensure sustainable success.


Procurement Summit Startup Awards, part 2

Here you’ll see innovative start-ups in the procurement field presenting their solutions. Be inspired and vote!


CSDDD, CSRD, CBAM & Co: effectively managing sustainability and compliance in the supply chain

In this masterclass, you will learn how the IntegrityNext platform can effectively guide you through the regulatory challenges of the supply chain. Discover how our automated ESG risk assessment solutions enable you to meet due diligence and sustainability objectives in an efficient and resource-saving manner.

Ideal for procurement and sustainability professionals, this session will provide practical insights on how to identify and mitigate ESG risks and improve the sustainability performance of your supply chain.


MI – Success Factor: Human Intelligence

Adequate strategies to deploy human capital in the most effective manner! Recruitment, Training and Coaching are what everybody talks about when we focus on optimizing procurement effectiveness. But does anybody really know how to use them to ensure best results? It is proven that employees only tap into a fraction of their existing potential in their jobs. What if all procurement employees could bring their total potential to the max? And how would that work? We will bring light to these questions in this entertaining master class with wow-effect!


AP Automation - Maximise savings through automated invoice management

AP Automation is about the digitalisation and automation of manual tasks in Accounts Payable, whereby incoming invoices are processed digitally and automatically. In our workshop, together with a German best-practice user, we present the possibilities of a state-of-the-art AP Automation application and discuss best practices in the project, show quick implementation options and analyse the return on investment (ROI).

- The need for highly automated invoice management
- User experience report
- ROI analysis

Panel discussion

People & Culture in Procurement

As part of compressed collegial case consultations, we make exciting (solution) approaches and a collaboration format on the topic of People & Culture in Procurement tangible.

What makes a good team and how do we demand and promote a lasting learning culture?
How do we increase visibility and our image in times of skilled labor shortages?
How do we position purchasing as a driver of sustainability, digitalization and innovation?
And how does personnel development work in these future skills?


From invisible to indispensable: nobody calls me a chicken

Procurement 2024: Still invisible and strategically underrepresented in the company and on social media. This must change! To position procurement strategically, we need to be able to do more than just purchase. Discover innovative approaches to transform procurement into an indispensable key function with the help of social media.


Negotiation and behavior

What is important in practice and which (feedback) models can I use to better adapt and prepare my negotiation to the partner?

Zugspitze Speaker Awards Ceremony

Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.


Matterhorn Speaker Awards Ceremony

Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.


Procurement Summit Awards Ceremony

Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.


Procurement Summit AFTERSHOW LOUNGE

Drinks and networking for all participants 


End of today's event

13th June 2024 Procurement Summit Agenda Day Two

  1. ZUGSPITZE Masterclasses
  1. MATTERHORN Masterclasses
  1. 08:50

    08:50 Welcome

    Our doors open at 08:50 - so you can start networking at the first coffee and secure the best seat.

  1. 09:50


    A short welcome by the moderator.

  2. 10:00

    Digitalization – the core of a sustainable purchasing strategy

    To meet the expectations placed on purchasing in terms of increased efficiency, value-add and user buying experience, digitalization must be formulated as the central core of a successful purchasing strategy. However, digitalization must be understood much more broadly and also shape aspects such as organization, processes, people/talent, mindset and ways of working in order to enable successful strategy implementation. Laila and Sebastian will elaborate how digitalization is shaping purchasing strategies at Bekaert and Roche and driving the transformation of procurement.

  3. 10:30
    Panel discussion

    Equal Leading in Procurement

    Part-time leadership? Yes, it works out! In many companies, leadership roles are still rarely filled by women. One reason for this is often the inability to combine full-time work and family. But does it really have to be like this? In this panel, head of procurements talk about their personal experiences and show that job sharing models can also work wonderfully and what adjustments have to be made to achieve this. And what other reasons are there for a low proportion of women in leadership roles?

  4. 11:15

    Procurement Summit Startup Awards, part 3 with award ceremony

    Here you’ll see innovative start-ups in the procurement field presenting their solutions. Be inspired and vote!

  5. 12:00

    Shaping the future of procurement

    Leadership, sustainability and AI are THE buzzwords in procurement. How do you build a relevant operating model in procurement and what skills do we need for this? Simone and Nils give us an outlook on the next three years and show us which topics we need to tackle now in order to become even more relevant. They also talk about the influence AI (e.g. ChatGPT) has on our processes.

  1. Presentation

    10:00 Winning Teams in Negotiations

    The composition of a negotiation team has a crucial impact on the outcome. Winning teams in negotiations are essential for many reasons. They directly contribute to achieving strategic goals, building lasting relationships, enhancing competitive advantage and improving financial performance. In this Masterclass, we share our experience from science and practice, higlighting  the importance of having winning teams in negotiations and how you compose them.

  2. Presentation

    10:30 Efficiency boost through AI-based retrieval of process documents

    Delve into the world of intelligent data extraction and discover how companies can solve the challenges of automating manual capture processes with AI-supported capture scenarios.

    Standardization versus individualization – learn from the practical example of Kroschke how you can achieve maximum extraction results with an individual solution and greatly boost efficiency in purchasing.

  3. Presentation

    11:00 Resilient Supply Chains in an Era of Exponential Risk: Navigating New Challenges and Regulations

    In the dynamic realm of modern business, mastering supply chain resilience amid regulatory changes, digital shifts and the era of exponential risk is crucial. This session offers an insightful exploration into the complex world of supply chain risks and their cumulative impact on resilience. Featuring a special guest from Mahle, we'll delve into effective strategies and firsthand experiences for navigating these multifaceted challenges. Attendees will leave with practical, actionable insights to bolster supply chain resilience, essential for thriving in an era marked by rapidly escalating risks.

  4. Presentation

    11:30 Revolutionizing savings capture via actionable insights

    The definition of procurement analytics has changed. Come hear how Sievo is transforming analytics dashboards into savings action generation using data that has never been available before.

  5. Presentation

    12:00 Selection criteria for business spend management platforms: Focused on further development and artificial intelligence

    In this presentation, we will introduce ideas and practical tips for selecting a Business Spend Management (BSM) platform. We will cover key criteria such as functionality, user-friendliness, security, and costs. Special attention will be given to the platform's capacity for innovation and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The presentation offers practical insights and valuable tips for companies seeking a future-proof BSM solution.

  1. Presentation

    10:00 COST DOWN in three steps

    The economy is weakening, interest rates have increased and material costs are falling for several months.

    Consequently, there is enough pressure to start cost optimization with a COST DOWN project.

    We will show you, how you can approach this pragmatically in three steps with significant savings by

    - Getting back price increases through tenders and negotiations

    - Focussed inventory optimization

    - Design-to-cost with Engineering

    Frank Sundermann and Manuel Günzel have both worked in the industry (Bosch Rexroth/HAWE Hydraulik) and they offer pragmatic Consulting Services with the Procurement Excellence Group. The Procurement Excellence Group (PEG) is the merger of the three consultancies Durch Denken Vorne Consult, EINWERK and Günzel Consulting. PEG offers focussed support in the areas of "Consulting", "Training", "Interim Management" and "Recruiting", which are characterized by a hands-on mentality and a strong focus on implementation. In his private life, Frank Sundermann loves liquorice and is a fan of the NBA team Boston Celtics, while Manuel is a fan of gummy bears and FC Bayern.

  2. Presentation

    10:30 askLio: the AI copilot for consumers and procurement teams

    Live demo of the software that has been awarded by the federal government. Developed in collaboration with experts from the Technical University of Munich and Silicon Valley. Automation of free text requests and support of procurement teams through GenAI.

    Integrated into P2P systems such as Coupa and MS Teams.


    10:40 Coffee break

    Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.

  4. Presentation

    11:00 Under tension - new focus in purchasing

    - Maintaining control, delegating work: how decentralised purchasing works in a leading energy company with 340 locations in Germany
    - The agenda is changing: which tasks will remain and which new skills will be required in purchasing in the future
    - Setting priorities: digitising C-parts procurement with scalable solutions to free up important resources

  5. Panel discussion

    11:30 Digitalisation of procurement: sprint or marathon?

    Efficiently and sustainably advancing the digitalisation of procurement requires more than simply introducing an eProcurement platform. What challenges do companies face? In terms of preparation, implementation and, of course, application? At the centre of the discussion is our joint project, which we use as a practical example to share concrete experiences and findings. The lively exchange between Ivalua, Korian and valantic opens up new perspectives and provides valuable impetus for the digitalisation of your procurement.

  6. Presentation

    12:00 The order file for SAP systems - brings structure & order to your processes

    As digitization progresses, conventional paper files for managing order data are no longer for managing order data are no longer up to date. With the SAP-certified low Process2Design for SAP Solutions® platform certified by SAP, you can design robust and robust and workflow-based business processes for seamless interactions.

    Alexander Kronemeyer and Mehmet Eroglu will use the order file for SAP systems in the MasterClass to show you systems to show how you can bring structure and order to your processes and simplify your daily work is simplified with the e-file.

  1. 12:30

    12:30 Lunch break

    Enjoy the food while making new contacts with visitors and exhibitors at the Procurement Summit.

  1. 13:45
    Panel discussion

    Growing strong - Startup Success Stories

    For several years now, we have been presenting young ideas and innovations at the Procurement Summit. In the meantime, some ideas are no longer so young and the startups have become great players. Is there always a exemplary story behind it or was the one or other path more rocky than expected?

  2. 14:30
    Panel discussion

    Sustainability in procurement

    How can and must procurement contribute to making our companies more sustainable in the future? What have we already achieved and what challenges still lie ahead?
  3. 15:15
    Panel discussion

    Challenging times in procurement

    Climate crisis, war, inflation and other potential risks have shaken the world and therefore the global supply chains in the recent years and are still doing so. Procurement pros and committed experts discuss their perspective these topics, their respective challenges and how to deal with the business and employees in such situations.
  4. 16:00

    Top sport meets business: winning strategies for purchasing

    Transfer success factors from elite sport to purchasing: set clear goals, remain disciplined and learn from setbacks. Develop long-term purchasing strategies and adapt your tactics flexibly. Promote cooperation, innovative thinking and mental strength in the team to achieve sustainable success.

  5. 16:45

    Procurement Summit Awards Ceremony

    Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.

  1. Presentation

    13:30 Survival of the Fittest - Agile supply chains Resilience to secure the future

    In this masterclass, we will look at the challenges and opportunities of agile supply chain resilience, which is essential for securing the future of companies. In times of globalisation, geopolitical uncertainties and rapid market changes, it is crucial to make supply chains transparent, flexible and resilient.
    You will learn how agile supply chain management helps to identify and minimise risks at an early stage by promoting rapid adjustments and strategic partnerships. We will highlight proven methods and practical approaches for implementing agile supply chain management and show you how this can increase your competitiveness.

    Experience how the use of digitalisation and innovative technologies can not only increase efficiency and transparency, but also create a sustainable and future-oriented supply chain. This masterclass will provide you with valuable insights and tools to transform your procurement strategies and prepare your organisation for the challenges of the future.

  2. Presentation

    13:45 NextGen Procurement processing:

    Procure-to-pay and supplier management processes can be bothersome due to complex and old-fashioned setups. In this session AirPlus, Mastercard and Mazepay will showcase their joint solution addressing some of the most pressing issues in Procurement and Supplier Management.

    A live demo will give you valuable insights into how to enable smarter, simpler and automated procure- to-pay and supplier management workflows utilizing state-of-the-art payment, all while staying in full control.


    14:15 Zugspitze Speaker Awards Ceremony

    Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.

  1. Presentation

    13:30 Sustainability and Resilience in the Supply Chain: Key Insights from the 2024 Risk Report

    In today's dynamic procurement landscape, resilience and sustainability are critical. This session dives into the key findings of Sphera’s 2024 Risk Report, revealing how new sustainability requirements are reshaping traditional supply chain risks and showing how to align your operations to proactively address these challenges.
    Join us to learn how advanced technologies integrate expanded risk management practices with sustainability strategies to empower your supply chain in today's evolving environment.


    14:00 Matterhorn Speaker Awards Ceremony

    Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.

  1. 20:00

    20:00 End of Procurement Summit 2024

13th June 2024 Procurement Summit Agenda Day Two



Our doors open at 08:50 - so you can start networking at the first coffee and secure the best seat.



A short welcome by the moderator.


Digitalization – the core of a sustainable purchasing strategy

To meet the expectations placed on purchasing in terms of increased efficiency, value-add and user buying experience, digitalization must be formulated as the central core of a successful purchasing strategy. However, digitalization must be understood much more broadly and also shape aspects such as organization, processes, people/talent, mindset and ways of working in order to enable successful strategy implementation. Laila and Sebastian will elaborate how digitalization is shaping purchasing strategies at Bekaert and Roche and driving the transformation of procurement.


Winning Teams in Negotiations

The composition of a negotiation team has a crucial impact on the outcome. Winning teams in negotiations are essential for many reasons. They directly contribute to achieving strategic goals, building lasting relationships, enhancing competitive advantage and improving financial performance. In this Masterclass, we share our experience from science and practice, higlighting  the importance of having winning teams in negotiations and how you compose them.


COST DOWN in three steps

The economy is weakening, interest rates have increased and material costs are falling for several months.

Consequently, there is enough pressure to start cost optimization with a COST DOWN project.

We will show you, how you can approach this pragmatically in three steps with significant savings by

- Getting back price increases through tenders and negotiations

- Focussed inventory optimization

- Design-to-cost with Engineering

Frank Sundermann and Manuel Günzel have both worked in the industry (Bosch Rexroth/HAWE Hydraulik) and they offer pragmatic Consulting Services with the Procurement Excellence Group. The Procurement Excellence Group (PEG) is the merger of the three consultancies Durch Denken Vorne Consult, EINWERK and Günzel Consulting. PEG offers focussed support in the areas of "Consulting", "Training", "Interim Management" and "Recruiting", which are characterized by a hands-on mentality and a strong focus on implementation. In his private life, Frank Sundermann loves liquorice and is a fan of the NBA team Boston Celtics, while Manuel is a fan of gummy bears and FC Bayern.

Panel discussion

Equal Leading in Procurement

Part-time leadership? Yes, it works out! In many companies, leadership roles are still rarely filled by women. One reason for this is often the inability to combine full-time work and family. But does it really have to be like this? In this panel, head of procurements talk about their personal experiences and show that job sharing models can also work wonderfully and what adjustments have to be made to achieve this. And what other reasons are there for a low proportion of women in leadership roles?


Efficiency boost through AI-based retrieval of process documents

Delve into the world of intelligent data extraction and discover how companies can solve the challenges of automating manual capture processes with AI-supported capture scenarios.

Standardization versus individualization – learn from the practical example of Kroschke how you can achieve maximum extraction results with an individual solution and greatly boost efficiency in purchasing.


askLio: the AI copilot for consumers and procurement teams

Live demo of the software that has been awarded by the federal government. Developed in collaboration with experts from the Technical University of Munich and Silicon Valley. Automation of free text requests and support of procurement teams through GenAI.

Integrated into P2P systems such as Coupa and MS Teams.


Coffee break

Enjoy a coffee and make new connections with the Procurement Summit attendees and exhibitors.


Resilient Supply Chains in an Era of Exponential Risk: Navigating New Challenges and Regulations

In the dynamic realm of modern business, mastering supply chain resilience amid regulatory changes, digital shifts and the era of exponential risk is crucial. This session offers an insightful exploration into the complex world of supply chain risks and their cumulative impact on resilience. Featuring a special guest from Mahle, we'll delve into effective strategies and firsthand experiences for navigating these multifaceted challenges. Attendees will leave with practical, actionable insights to bolster supply chain resilience, essential for thriving in an era marked by rapidly escalating risks.


Under tension - new focus in purchasing

- Maintaining control, delegating work: how decentralised purchasing works in a leading energy company with 340 locations in Germany
- The agenda is changing: which tasks will remain and which new skills will be required in purchasing in the future
- Setting priorities: digitising C-parts procurement with scalable solutions to free up important resources


Procurement Summit Startup Awards, part 3 with award ceremony

Here you’ll see innovative start-ups in the procurement field presenting their solutions. Be inspired and vote!


Revolutionizing savings capture via actionable insights

The definition of procurement analytics has changed. Come hear how Sievo is transforming analytics dashboards into savings action generation using data that has never been available before.

Panel discussion

Digitalisation of procurement: sprint or marathon?

Efficiently and sustainably advancing the digitalisation of procurement requires more than simply introducing an eProcurement platform. What challenges do companies face? In terms of preparation, implementation and, of course, application? At the centre of the discussion is our joint project, which we use as a practical example to share concrete experiences and findings. The lively exchange between Ivalua, Korian and valantic opens up new perspectives and provides valuable impetus for the digitalisation of your procurement.


Shaping the future of procurement

Leadership, sustainability and AI are THE buzzwords in procurement. How do you build a relevant operating model in procurement and what skills do we need for this? Simone and Nils give us an outlook on the next three years and show us which topics we need to tackle now in order to become even more relevant. They also talk about the influence AI (e.g. ChatGPT) has on our processes.


Selection criteria for business spend management platforms: Focused on further development and artificial intelligence

In this presentation, we will introduce ideas and practical tips for selecting a Business Spend Management (BSM) platform. We will cover key criteria such as functionality, user-friendliness, security, and costs. Special attention will be given to the platform's capacity for innovation and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The presentation offers practical insights and valuable tips for companies seeking a future-proof BSM solution.


The order file for SAP systems - brings structure & order to your processes

As digitization progresses, conventional paper files for managing order data are no longer for managing order data are no longer up to date. With the SAP-certified low Process2Design for SAP Solutions® platform certified by SAP, you can design robust and robust and workflow-based business processes for seamless interactions.

Alexander Kronemeyer and Mehmet Eroglu will use the order file for SAP systems in the MasterClass to show you systems to show how you can bring structure and order to your processes and simplify your daily work is simplified with the e-file.


Lunch break

Enjoy the food while making new contacts with visitors and exhibitors at the Procurement Summit.


Survival of the Fittest - Agile supply chains Resilience to secure the future

In this masterclass, we will look at the challenges and opportunities of agile supply chain resilience, which is essential for securing the future of companies. In times of globalisation, geopolitical uncertainties and rapid market changes, it is crucial to make supply chains transparent, flexible and resilient.
You will learn how agile supply chain management helps to identify and minimise risks at an early stage by promoting rapid adjustments and strategic partnerships. We will highlight proven methods and practical approaches for implementing agile supply chain management and show you how this can increase your competitiveness.

Experience how the use of digitalisation and innovative technologies can not only increase efficiency and transparency, but also create a sustainable and future-oriented supply chain. This masterclass will provide you with valuable insights and tools to transform your procurement strategies and prepare your organisation for the challenges of the future.


Sustainability and Resilience in the Supply Chain: Key Insights from the 2024 Risk Report

In today's dynamic procurement landscape, resilience and sustainability are critical. This session dives into the key findings of Sphera’s 2024 Risk Report, revealing how new sustainability requirements are reshaping traditional supply chain risks and showing how to align your operations to proactively address these challenges.
Join us to learn how advanced technologies integrate expanded risk management practices with sustainability strategies to empower your supply chain in today's evolving environment.

Panel discussion

Growing strong - Startup Success Stories

For several years now, we have been presenting young ideas and innovations at the Procurement Summit. In the meantime, some ideas are no longer so young and the startups have become great players. Is there always a exemplary story behind it or was the one or other path more rocky than expected?


NextGen Procurement processing:

Procure-to-pay and supplier management processes can be bothersome due to complex and old-fashioned setups. In this session AirPlus, Mastercard and Mazepay will showcase their joint solution addressing some of the most pressing issues in Procurement and Supplier Management.

A live demo will give you valuable insights into how to enable smarter, simpler and automated procure- to-pay and supplier management workflows utilizing state-of-the-art payment, all while staying in full control.


Matterhorn Speaker Awards Ceremony

Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.


Zugspitze Speaker Awards Ceremony

Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.

Panel discussion

Sustainability in procurement

How can and must procurement contribute to making our companies more sustainable in the future? What have we already achieved and what challenges still lie ahead?
Panel discussion

Challenging times in procurement

Climate crisis, war, inflation and other potential risks have shaken the world and therefore the global supply chains in the recent years and are still doing so. Procurement pros and committed experts discuss their perspective these topics, their respective challenges and how to deal with the business and employees in such situations.

Top sport meets business: winning strategies for purchasing

Transfer success factors from elite sport to purchasing: set clear goals, remain disciplined and learn from setbacks. Develop long-term purchasing strategies and adapt your tactics flexibly. Promote cooperation, innovative thinking and mental strength in the team to achieve sustainable success.


Procurement Summit Awards Ceremony

Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The three with the most votes will be awarded a Speaker Award.


End of Procurement Summit 2024