Spring Special rate ends in 82:46:53 Hours
 - Get your ticket now before prices go up!
25th & 26th June 2025 in Hamburg
25th & 26th June 2025 in Hamburg Contact: info@procurementsummit.de or +49 (40) 537 991 137

Florian Ehring

Florian Ehring

Florian Ehring


Florian Ehring is Director Purchasing & Work Environment Services at Tchibo GmbH, the roasted coffee market leader in Germany and one of the leading e-commerce companies in Europe. The family-owned company is characterised by its multi-channel distribution system for coffee and weekly changing non-food ranges.  

Together with his team, Florian is responsible for purchasing indirect goods and services. One of his main concerns is to build genuine business partnerships with the various consumers under the motto:


Constantly changing framework conditions and new challenges in the supply chain ensure that indirect purchasing is always exciting and varied. As the ‘spider in the web’, Purchasing is required to constantly question and develop its working methods. So even after almost 20 years in positions in retail and industry, it never gets boring.

Represented in the following tracks at the next Procurement Summit:

Florian Ehring and many more register for the Procurement Summit now!