25th & 26th June 2025 in Hamburg

Julia Goering

Julia Goering

Julia Goering


Julia Goering is an internationally proven leader in procurement, supply chain and innovation. Her passion: linking up people – in her role as partner of Einwerk she does this very successfully.

Next to being a speaker, leadership coach, negotiation expert and licensed football coach, she actively supports parity of women in the board room. With almost 30 years of business experience she is never shy of relevant examples from the right context.

Her interventions are like a caffeine-shock for the soul – they awaken you for the essence of things, invite you to find yourself and are scented with humour, an essential ingredient for sustainable and successful change.

Represented in the following tracks at the Procurement Summit:

  • 2024 ZUGSPITZE MASTERCLASSES: MI – Success Factor: Human Intelligence

Julia Goering and many more register for the Procurement Summit now!