12th & 13th June 2024 in Hamburg

Sebastian Bachmann

Sebastian Bachmann

Sebastian Bachmann


The HAZEMAG Group is a global company with its headquarter in Dülmen, Germany. The company develops, designs, manufactures and sells high-quality machines and plants for processing and crushing in the cement, roadstone and recycling industries, as well as machines for mining and drilling equipment.

As Head of Procurement Sebastian Bachmann is responsible for the Project Procurement for the global plants as well as the operative Procurement and the strategic Procurement of the cost-intensive Commodities Casting and Steelwork.

Mr. Bachmann is a business economist, has more than 10 years of Procurement experience at HAZEMAG and took over the management of the procurement department at the beginning of 2018. His mission is to develop the more conservative and structurally expandable procurement department into an institution which aligns to the development of HAZEMAG.

Sebastian Bachmann and many more register for the Procurement Summit now!