12th & 13th June 2024 in Hamburg

Sergio Martínez

Sergio Martínez

Sergio Martínez


Sergio earned his Business Administration Degree at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the RWTH University in Aachen, as part of an international double-degree programme. After this he completed his studies with a Master’s Degree in Financial Management and Analytics at the University of Madrid. As an Account Executive at ecosio Sergio is in charge of finding the best solution for customers as well as taking care of their needs and developing lasting relationships with them. As an EDI and e-invoicing expert, he is always happy to help people to optimise their current processes.

Represented in the following tracks at the Procurement Summit:

  • 2023 ZUGSPITZE MASTERCLASSES: Automation of procurement processes with EDI - Dos and Don'ts during implementation

Sergio Martínez and many more register for the Procurement Summit now!