25th & 26th June 2025 in Hamburg

Eberhard W. Aust

Eberhard W. Aust

Eberhard W. Aust


Eberhard is passionate about Procurement and Innovation and has worked more than 20 years in the field.

He loves the „David“ against „Goliath“ situations, where start-ups create better systems and innovations for the users than the software giants. USP of ebidtopay is that it links procurement with the ability to surface & implement all the improvement/savings ideas of a company’s staff and suppliers.
With this unique approach significant savings are possible even in the current period of severe inflation and supply-chain-crisis.

The brand „ebidtopay“ has been created early 2022 and in March 2022 the GmbH has been officially registered in the Munich Trade-Register. In November 2022 Gartner has elected „ebidtopay“ into the Gartner Magic Quadrant of the best global „Procure-to-Pay-Suites“.

According, to Gartner „ebidtopay“ even beats 7 reknown players in its „ability to excecute“.

Eberhard has learnt procurement conceiving systems for many of the best global companies including Google, Walmart, the Worldbank, Amazon, Tesco, Generali, Borealis, GSK, MOL, Mondi, Penny, Infineon, Metro, PSA and Robert Bosch.

Eberhard's first success in the programming field have been German software chart-topping video-games.
He has a combined degree of MBA & Engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (K.I.T.) and a PH.D. in operations research.

Ebidtopay is his 2nd attempt to create a fantastic „Procure-to-Pay-Suite" and the 2nd of his creations to make it into the Gartner Magic Quadrant.

Represented in the following tracks at the Procurement Summit:

  • 2024 MAIN STAGE:

  • 2024 MAIN STAGE: Procurement Summit Startup Awards, part 1
  • 2023 MAIN STAGE: Procurement Summit Startup Awards - ebidtopay

  • 2023 MAIN STAGE: Procurement Summit Startup Awards, part 1

Eberhard W. Aust and many more register for the Procurement Summit now!