25th & 26th June 2025 in Hamburg

Johann Teufel

Johann Teufel

Johann Teufel


Teufel Johann, married, 52 years and living in Saalfelden / Salzburg.

Has been with Palfinger since 1999 and was mainly responsible for procurement and logistics topics. Johann moved in 2010 internally to "Global Supply Chain Management" and has been primarily responsible for process development in the "Procurement Process Organization, SAP S4 rollout and digitalization projects in the supply chain as well.

Represented in the following tracks at the Procurement Summit:

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES II: Integration des Inbound Transportmanagements in die curecomp e-Procurement und SRM-Lösung am Beispiel der PALFINGER AG

Johann Teufel and many more register for the Procurement Summit now!