25th & 26th June 2025 in Hamburg

Markus Sinz

Markus Sinz

Markus Sinz


Markus is one of two Co-Founders of APADUA. Over a decade he has grown his background in Procurement and Management Consulting and has a passion for business model innovation. Getting things done with an open and curious attitude is his strength. Finding better ways, breaking silos and dissolve crusted thinking is his favorite. Always at the forefront of new technologies, innovation and personal relations with his business partners and clients.

Represented in the following tracks at the Procurement Summit:

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES II: Jeopardy: Professional Services Edition

  • 2021 MASTERCLASSES: LIVE-DEMOS by Supplytechs

Markus Sinz and many more register for the Procurement Summit now!