25th & 26th June 2025 in Hamburg

Christian Thöne

Christian Thöne

Christian Thöne

managementconsulting | coaching

His passion is leadership and change.

As a graduate in business administration and engineering, Christian Thöne has two decades of leadership experience in various national and international management functions. After several years of his international career in purchasing at Deutsche Bank, he became a partner of a management consulting firm; here, his work focused on projects in the areas of restructuring, change, management, controlling and cost optimization.

Four years later, he took on another management role at a German financial institution. As Head of Procurement Management, he strategically realigned this area in the course of a change process lasting several years and led it through the financial crisis.

Today, he works as a freelance management consultant, trainer and executive coach, is involved as a speaker and moderator and is active in several associations.

In his projects, he accompanies people and organizations through the process of change and successfully interlocks innovative consulting-, training-, org-/team development- and coaching formats along the project goals like a puzzle.

His services along the transformation are always based on the human factor, because change begins with people and their mindset.

Represented in the following tracks at the Procurement Summit:

  • 2024 MAIN STAGE: People & Culture in Procurement

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: People, Culture, Learning, Transformation - "Personal Development in Procurement"

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Challenge accepted

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Transaction was yesterday - data as a purchasing accelerator

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Catalog Buying of the new generation

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Facts instead of slides - How purchasing advice can really help

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Journey from data analytics to data science

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: End-to-End Agile Procurement
  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Mastering Onboarding: Building Strong Relationships with Customers and Suppliers

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Responsible procurement: reaffirming the primacy of sustainability in the face of the cost-driven storm

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Successful management of transport and logistics costs in a demanding market

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Hidden champions in purchasing - YOUR processes in the fast lane

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Sustainable Procurement: Digital supplier management for more sustainability in purchasing

  • 2023 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Sustainable procurement at the Austrian Federal Railways based on ecological life cycle assessment

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES: Klimareduziert Einkaufen mit CO2e als Verhandlungsargument

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES: What are the 3 things your CEO should know about Services Procurement?

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES: Lessons learned - Procurement tool implementation

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES: Implementing the Supply Chain Act using digital audits quickly and easily.

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES: Blockchain for Supply Chain – What a practitioner needs to know!
  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES: Perfect Match - Prozess trifft auf Lösungen

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES: Successful procurement of logistics services with digital key figures

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES: AI boost: Achieve data-driven procurement management with business intelligence

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES: Negotiating on the edge in the area of tension of Bottleneck – Defense of claims – Cost reduction

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES: Virtual assistants in procurement - Best practices for automating processes and communication

  • 2022 MASTERCLASSES: Transform to Outperform - how to start with real Cognitive Procurement?


  • 2021 MASTERCLASSES: Blockchain for Supply Chain – What a practitioner needs to know!

  • 2021 MASTERCLASSES: “Supply Chain Due Diligence Act” – a solid use case for a SRM-system

  • 2021 MASTERCLASSES: It’s Time to Rethink the Purpose of Procurement


  • 2021 MASTERCLASSES: Marketing-Procurement 2021: What you as a buyer in marketing need to know today

  • 2020 MASTERCLASSES: Does agile purchasing really make sense? What we know and how it can be achieved.
  • 2020 MASTERCLASSES: Procurement Engineering

  • 2020 MAIN STAGE: How Do We Make Procurement Cool?

  • 2020 ONLINE:

Christian Thöne and many more register for the Procurement Summit now!